(so you can get back to moving the way you love to move)

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Register For The Event!

When You Attend, You Will Learn...

  1. How to master TONS of pain-relieving techniques WITHOUT addictive drugs or frustrating doctor visits

  2. The Secret Breakthrough Model that easily moves you from a pained Rehabber to an active, phase 2 Rebuilder - in just 10 minutes per day

  3. Our 'Three Core Elements' Retrain Back Pain Methodology which teaches to become your own Back Rehab Boss so you can avoid costly mistakes and get your life back, asap!

This workshop is designed to provide you with immediately actionable items to inform you about how you can break the cycle of pain.

Note: Your webinar choices are 11am and 7pm NYC time (The video above was previously recorded video and mentions a 2pm slot, but due to popular demand, the second event's been moved to 7pm)

Your Host

Dinneen Viggiano

I help active people with low back pain (like you!) to develop the holistic think, eat and move skills you need to confidently retrain back pain with ease.

A true “teachers’ teacher” with 23 years experience, I created Retrain Back Pain to educate, empower and support you so you know exactly what to do for yourself and so you can get back to moving the way you love to move as soon as possible.

I'm also a Backfit Pro, a NeuroKinetic Therapist, a Certified Nutrition Counselor and YACEP

Make sure to stick around to the end for Q&A so I can answer all your questions about the Back Rehab Boss online group program and/or if working together 1:1 is a better option for you.